Delta Performance Academy - Where the Wild Things Are!

Since January I've been working in the Delta School District teaching stage skills to a group of passionate, intelligent, and unique high school students. 

Along with whip-smart diva Leah Giselle Field, and dynamite composer Lesley Sutherland, we are creating an original musical stage adaptation of the forever favourite book, Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. From music to staging to design to script - these kids are creating every aspect of this show under the guidance of professionals and it will be performed in elementary schools throughout Delta and at the Vancouver Opera Festival in May, 2018.

For my part - I've been using viewpoints technique, laban movement analysis and brainstorming to help the kids create their own "Wild Thing" characters: manifestations of the feelings we all have that sometimes get out of control. Through these characters, we're exploring themes of emotional control and seeing the positive side in difficulty.

Here is a sneak preview of some the the amazing brainstorms these young artists have been doing: 

DPA - Day 11 - Sea Voyage brainstorm (1).jpg


Just in case you missed it: That's a drawing of actors holding up a sheet representing water and mermaid tails on sticks. The student who came up with that suggested they be called "fish sticks", which of course is exactly right.

Quote of the day: "This story is about being the person you would wanted to have around when you were a kid" - Sami van Gogh, Delta Performance Academy graduate and Teacher Assistant